Change log#
Documentation improvements:
Added documentation for Semaphore’s configuration environment variables and how to configure Semaphore’s GitHub App integration.
Added a Redoc subsite for the API documentation.
0.4.0 (2023-04-14)#
Summaries will now be interpreted using the first provided body paragraph unless defined in the
property in the post metadata
0.3.0 (2022-04-14)#
Broadcast messages can now have a “category,” which you can set in the YAML front-matter. The default behavior is
category: maintenance
, which matches the idiomatic use of broadcasts up to this point. However, you can also setcategory: info
to publish informational messages, like general announcements. The category is present in the JSON data model for broadcasts published from the API. Note that “category” is an enumeration: onlyinfo
are allowed values.Semaphore is now cross-published to the GitHub Container Registry,
.Semaphore now runs on Python 3.10.
0.2.1 (2021-08-12)#
This release prevents the /v1/broadcasts
endpoint from showing disabled messages.
0.2.0 (2021-08-06)#
This is the initial working version of Semaphore, featuring the ability to source broadcast messages from GitHub, and get updates for those messages through GitHub webhooks.